Brisbane counselling psychologist
Are you looking for a Brisbane counselling psychologist? Choosing a psychologist to work with, can be challenging. It is important to see if their approach is a good match for your needs. It can also be helpful to learn some professional and personal information about them. Peter Gillogley is a Brisbane based psychologist. He has area of practice endorsement (AoPE) as a Counselling Psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia. He uses evidence-based approaches to work collaboratively with people. He works with people experiencing anxiety, depression, grief, trauma (PTSD and complex trauma), and psychosis. Peter works mainly with young people and adults.
Peter has noticed everyone has a unique lived experience. This has lead Peter to believe that individuals are doing the best they can AND they want to make meaningful change in their lives.
Peter draws his experiences as a son, husband, parent, and friend. He has worked in other professional roles in pubic and private enterprise,as well as big and small IT companies. He has been a trainee, team leader, manager and project director. To be honest, he is not sure he is getting any wiser, so instead he tries to be a better and less judgemental listener. If you are curious, you can read more about his professional experiences in his LinkedIn Profile.
Peter loves learning. He has completed an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited 6 years of study to achieve registration as psychologist. He studied undergraduate psychology, honours (4th year) and a Masters in Psychology (5th and 6th year) and a two-year counselling psychology registrar program with AHPRA. He also has studied IT, arts and business. He does lots of psychology related professional development, to keep his thinking fresh and to bring best-practice approaches to his work. Lately he is deepening his knowledge in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). When Peter is not working in private practice, he enjoys facilitating day program ACT group and a CFT groups at a private mental health clinic.